Home > $20 Challenge?...

$20 Challenge?...

May 29th, 2007 at 06:51 am

Either the challenge doesn't make sense or I'm just stupid Frown. How is the $20 challenge supposed to work?

3 Responses to “$20 Challenge?...”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    i'm still working on that, haven't started it yet but because lots of people constantly talk about it i want to start it... problem is i dont really know... what it is....
    heh! of course, i'm glad to help Smile

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You start with $20 and you add to it anyway you can think of. Some sell things on e bay.
    I take any extra checks that come in and add to my challenge. I do surveys on line.
    I pay myself $1 for every mile I walk or every 20 flights of stairs I do in a day.
    I save all the money I get from using coupons or my store card.
    I budget $160 a month for electric bill. If it is less, the rest of that money goes into my challenge fund.
    If my husband gets a bonus, I save that.
    I pay myself $1 for a no gas used day.
    I pay myself everytime I eat dinner at home and not "out"
    There are dozens of ways to save and anything you want to do it fine. I have saved over $11,000 this year.

  3. scfr Says:

    Here is Jeffrey's post explaining the $20 Challenge. Although it was for 2006, it certainly applies to 2007 as well: (On the blog home page, to the right there is a subsection for $20 challenge; if you click on the words "What's this?" it will take you to this post.]

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