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Playing Games

May 27th, 2007 at 05:15 pm

It's been a little over a week since I've last posted but a lot of things have happened. So far, I have just been taking care of my grandma throughout the week (which has proven to be a harder task I previously believed) but only at times. Most of the time I'm around the house doing unproductive things.. (which is hard NOT to do =/) like I started playing World of Warcraft, the anti-productive anti-social phenomenon.

But some things has gotten better! Always look at the positive right? Well, since I'm home most of the time now, I spend a lot less money than if I were working elsewhere. That's gas and food money. One of my mentors, who is a millionaire, said most people spend 30% of their income on food. There's a reason why the US has a high obesity population and high debt..

But to the point of why I wrote today! I was reading a post and it mentioned the decisions we make on a daily basis to either make and save or spend money. In the people of this community, we like to do all right? =D. But to keep what you make is often a hard task. So when I read how when you want to drive somewhere, you have to set aside 5 dollars to your savings or whenever you want to drink soda, you have to drink a glass of water first (I LOVE this one), that clicked for me.

Why don't we all play games with ourselves to save money? People say, games are for kids, but who made that a rule? Adults don't need to be emotionless zombies with no lives. So here's a trick my mentor tought me. Keep a 100 dollar bill in your wallet and never spend it. This builds the mental muscles and teaches you to be stronger than your urges. And lets say, if you keep it there for a month, you can treat yourself out to something you love (but not something expensive!). So there's my post for the day Smile Take care everyone.

3 Responses to “Playing Games”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    In your last post you said you get social security pay for taking care of your Grandmother. I take that to indicate you live in Canada? I do not think the average Canadian spends anywhere near 30% of their income on food, nor does the average USAer spend 30% on food. Your mentor may have been knowingly exaggerating to make some point about impulsiveness, misplaced priorities, lack of discipline, or some such. But you might want to pay attention to whether this mentor is actually good with numbers. Doesn't mean that s/he is or is not good at saving. S/he just might not be exact with numbers, yet good for general advice or inspriration.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I think 30% is pretty high too! We eat out almost every night and I doubt if we spend 10% of our income on food.

  3. nance Says:

    I suppose it depends on how high, or how LOW your income is. I can see how a large, low-income family might spend 30% of their income on food, but not a high income family.
    It's all relative.

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